=====Citroën Ami6 Bilder-Galerie bei Flickr.com===== Bei [[http://www.flickr.com/|Flickr]] finden sich sehr schöne Bilder zum Stichwort Citroën Ami6 - schauen wir uns einige an: require_once("./lib/plugins/sjflickr/phpFlickr.php"); // Create new phpFlickr object $f = new phpFlickr("04561c29c69fbb3e88a2479b40b49845"); // Enable transparent caching. # $f->enableCache( # "db", # "mysql://[DB User]:[DB Password]@[DB Server]/[DB Name]" # ); // enable file caching. $f->enableCache("fs", "/usr/home/ami6de/public_html/ami6.de/lib/plugins/sjflickr/cache"); /* $person = $f->people_findByUsername("Dan Coulter"); echo "

My most interesting:
\n"; // Search for most interesting by user_id (in this case, mine) $photos_mine = $f->photos_search(array("user_id"=>$person['id'], "sort"=>"interestingness-desc", "per_page"=>100)); foreach ((array)$photos_mine['photo'] as $photo) { // Build image and link tags for each photo echo ''; echo '"; echo ""; } echo "

\n"; # # ################### ab hier weiter ###################### # */ echo "Die neuesten 30 Bilder zum Ami6:
\n"; # echo "

Most interesting photos tagged with \"red\":
\n"; // Search by the single tag "red" $photos_red = $f->photos_search(array("tags"=>"ami6", "sort"=>"date-posted-desc", "per_page"=>30)); foreach ((array)$photos_red['photo'] as $photo) { $owner = $f->people_getInfo($photo['owner']); // Build image and link tags for each photo echo ''; echo 'Ami6 Photo von '.$owner[username].': '.$photo[title].''; echo ""; $i++; // If it reaches the 10th photo, insert a line break if ($i % 10 == 0) { echo "
\n"; } } echo "
\nDie (nach Meinung von Nutzern bei Flickr) interessantesten Bilder zum Ami6:
\n"; // Search by the single tag "ami6" $photos_red = $f->photos_search(array("tags"=>"ami6", "sort"=>"interestingness-desc", "per_page"=>150)); foreach ((array)$photos_red['photo'] as $photo) { $owner = $f->people_getInfo($photo['owner']); // Build image and link tags for each photo echo ''; echo 'Ami6 Photo von '.$owner[username].': '.$photo[title].''; echo ""; $i++; // If it reaches the 10th photo, insert a line break if ($i % 10 == 0) { echo "
\n"; } } # echo "

\n"; /* echo "

Most interesting in a full text search for \"cat\":
\n"; // Search for most interesting photos with the text "cat" $photos_cat = $f->photos_search(array("text"=>"cat", "sort"=>"interestingness-desc", "per_page"=>6)); foreach ((array)$photos_cat['photo'] as $photo) { // Build image and link tags for each photo echo ""; echo "$photo[title]"; echo ""; } echo "

\n"; echo "

Most interesting photos today:
\n"; // Search for most interesting photos of today $photos_interesting = $f->interestingness_getList(NULL, NULL, 6); foreach ((array)$photos_interesting['photo'] as $photo) { // Build image and link tags for each photo echo ""; echo "$photo[title]"; echo ""; } echo "

\n"; */
PS: \\ Die Bilder werden entsprechend der Verschlagwortung der Autoren herausgesucht, wenn sich also andere Nicht-Ami6-Bilder hier einfinden, liegt das an den Autoren... ;-) PPS: \\ WICHTIG - Es gelten die Nutzungsbedingungen / Copyright / Intellectual Property Rechte etc. von [[http://docs.yahoo.com/info/copyright/copyright.html|Flickr]]. {{tag>Flickr Bilder Galerie Photos}}