- syntax @wiki
- http://php.net/images/php.gif?200x50}} By using left or right whitespaces you can choose the alignment... opposite end of your text: Add two spaces on the left to align right, two spaces on the right to align left and two spaces at least at both ends for centered... ment ^^^ | right| center |left | |left | right| cen
- kunst-erkkila
- Ami6 Custom Hot Rod ===== <imgcaption erkkila01 left|Olli Erkkilä: Ami6 Lo-Rider, V.1>{{:ami6:kunst.ol... auch dieses mit dem Ami6: <imgcaption erkkila03 left|Olli Erkkilä: Ami6 T-Shirt>{{:ami6:kunst.olli-erk... "Ami6 Break Nomad Woody": <imgcaption erkkila04 left|Olli Erkkilä: Ami6 Break Nomad Woody V.1>{{:ami6:... ad Woody V1}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption erkkila05 left|Olli Erkkilä: Ami6 Break Nomad Woody V.2>{{:ami6:
- geschichte
- === ====Nach Kriegsende==== <imgcaption 2cv1948 left|1948 Citroën 2CV>{{:ami6:2cv.1948.jpg?200|1948 Ci... da. Wo bleibt Citroën?==== <imgcaption bercot01 left | Pierre Bercot>{{:ami6:person.bercot-01.jpg?120|... Brüssel, Genf und Mailand. <imgcaption proto02 left|Prototyp Nr. 3, 1960>{{:ami6:ami6.prototype-02.jp... zeigt erste Bilder==== <imgcaption parismatch01 left|Paris Match, Ausgabe vom 29. April 1961>{{:ami6:p
- pre-1961 @en
- ====World War Aftermaths==== <imgcaption 2cv1948 left|1948 Citroën 2CV>{{:ami6:2cv:2cv.1948.jpg?200|194... just another hoax?==== <imgcaption autojournal01 left|1959 L'Auto-Journal>{{:ami6:presse.autojournal-19... s and publishers in Europe. <imgcaption pres6116 left|Presentation in Milano, 24th April 1961>{{:ami6:p... first "real" shots==== <imgcaption parismatch01 left|Paris Match, Edition 29th April 1961>{{:ami6:pres
- design
- Beginn einer Evolution==== <imgcaption bertoni02 left|Flaminio Bertoni>{{:ami6:person.bertoni-02.jpg?12... ine Alternative möglich. ==== <imgcaption heck01 left|Ami6-Heckscheibe, Bild im ersten Ami6 Prospekt 19... ige Scheinwerfer am Ami6==== <imgcaption cibie01 left|Cibie-Reflektor mit 20% mehr Ausleuchtung>{{:ami6... rei Dimensionen==== <imgcaption atelierbertoni04 left|Atelier Bertoni, Rue du Theatre>{{:ami6:design.at
- rallye
- Côte d'Ivoire Bandama===== <imgcaption bandama01 left|1969 Bandama Plakette>{{:ami6:rallye:rallye.1969-... Rallye du Bandama" statt. <imgcaption bandama05 left|1969 Bandama>{{:ami6:rallye:rallye.1969-bandama.l... =====Rallye Monte Carlo===== <imgcaption monte01 left|1963 Rallye Monte Carlo>{{:ami6:rallye:rallye.mon... ness//) disqualifiziert. <imgcaption montemodell left|1963 Ami6 Rallye 1:43>{{:ami6:modell.ami6.monte-c
- pre-1961
- ==== ====Nach Kriegsende==== <imgcaption 2cv1948 left|1948 Citroën 2CV>{{:ami6:2cv.1948.jpg?200|1948 Ci... h "nur eine Ente"?==== <imgcaption autojournal01 left|1959 L'Auto-Journal>{{:ami6:presse.autojournal-19... rlage in Europa verschickt. <imgcaption pres6116 left|Pressevorführung, 24. April 1961, Mailand>{{:ami6... t erste Live-Bilder==== <imgcaption parismatch01 left|Paris Match, Ausgabe vom 29. April 1961>{{:ami6:p
- rennes
- was neues muß her!==== <imgcaption renneskarte01 left|Rennes-La-Janais, (C) Google Earth>{{:ami6:rennes... Standortsuche außerhalb. <imgcaption rennes1965 left|Ami6-Werk in Rennes-La-Janais, 1965>{{:ami6:renne... obil-Produktion beginnt==== <imgcaption rennes23 left|Montageband Rennes>{{:ami6:rennes:rennes.ami6-23.... t de Machines)) bauen läßt. <imgcaption kabel01 left|Rennes Montage Ami6 Kabelbaum>{{:ami6:rennes:renn
- ami6break-heuliez
- <imgcaption heuliez01 left|1963 Ami6 Break Heuliez>{{:heuliez:a6break.heuliez.01.jpg?200|1963 Ami6 Break... Heuliez 01}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption heuliez02 left|1963 Ami6 Break Heuliez>{{:heuliez:a6break.heulie... Heuliez 02}}</imgcaption> <imgcaption heuliez03 left|1963 Ami6 Break Heuliez>{{:heuliez:a6break.heulie
- kunst-ginies @en
- iès: Entrepots de Bercy ===== <imgcaption ginies left|(C) Michel Ginies: Entrepots de Bercy>{{:ami6:kun... the riverside obsolete for trading. Many dealers left the site due to non-profitable business, and thus... as more and more losing it's attractivity and was left on its own. Old halls, rottening wine barrels a
- werbung
- fing quasi bei Null an. <imgcaption wolgen2005 left | Jacques Wolgensinger ('Wolgen')>{{:ami6:person.... sstarke Publikationen===== <imgcaption broch1961 left | Titelseite, erster Prospekt des Ami6>{{:ami6:p... auf einer Probefahrt." // <imgcaption broch1966 left | Titelseite, Ami6 Prospekt 10/1966>{{:ami6:prosp
- longtermparking
- nen Beton eingelassen sind. <imgcaption arman01 left|Arman: Long Term Parking (1982)>{{:ami6:kunst.arm... eine kleine Klappe begehen. <imgcaption arman02 left|Arman: Long Term Parking (1982)>{{:ami6:kunst.arm
- ami6break
- Unternehmenszentrale weiter. <imgcaption break1 left|1964 Ami6 Break>{{:ami6:prospekt.ami6.break.1964-... ei Versionen vorgestellt: <imgcaption breaklade1 left|1966 Ami6 Break Commerciale>{{:ami6:prospekt.ami6
- 1961-1964
- grüßt das Murmeltier...==== <imgcaption paris61 left|1961 Paris Salon d'Auto>{{{{:ami6:event.ami6.pari
- 1964-1968
- wenn auch kein echter ==== <imgcaption 4mio1965 left|4 Millionen in 1965>{{:ami6:ami6.4000000eme.jpg?2